I picked up this Meme from Christa over at Awful Souls,
Participate if you want, it see,s to be a wonderful tool for self assessment!2 things you want to do:
Ride 200 mile one day event
Compete in additional road races
2. 2 things you should've done but keep postponing:
I'm a great procrastinator, I should have done a lot of things I put off!
3. 2 things you did, but shouldn't have:
Started smoking many years agoAllowing myself to gain as much weight as I did
4. 2 things that you must do:
Eat and Sleep.
5. 2 things you do every day:
Train and Study
6. 2 things someone else would want you to do:
Finish my degree
Achieve my goals and be happy with my life
7. 2 things that you would never do:
Steal or kill.
Answer them for yourself and pass it on!